Short Description of the Vitamin A Intake Calculation Program

Welcome to the Vitamin A intake calculation software which makes it much easier to estimate the approximated Vitamin A intake. After starting the program an empty spreadsheet is opened where the foods can be entered. First the food databases and the age should be adjusted. At the end of this  description you'll find some useful information for the food databases.


The main work with the program is to enter a part of the food name (e.g. rice) and then to press Enter. In the food seletion screen the appropriate food can then be selected.


The same has to be done for the other foods. Meals should be separated by an empty line. You see here already the intake of energy, fat and Vitamin A and as diagram the comparison with the recommendation. By pressing the buttons low, med and high you can simulate a worst and best scenario if minimum and maximum values for Vitamin A for the entered foods are available. In this spreadsheet it is also possible to change directly the conversion factor for beta carotene.


After pressing the button Report this printout is produced which gives some more information regarding the Vitamin A intake.


By pressing the food search button this window opens and foods can be searched depending on their content of Vitamin A.


The Button Anthropometry enables to calculate the general nutritional status (z-scores) of a child.


Under Modify Databases the nutrient values for the foods can be changed. In the last 4 columns min and max values for retinol and carotene can be entered.


Under ‘options’ the recommendations for energy and Vitamin A can be changed.


Additional information for the food tables:

Each food table (optimized Vitamin A table, USDA, European, My own) contains approximated values for total Vitamin A, preformed Vitamin A (retinol) and Provitamin A (mainly beta carotene). For the food databases usually the optimized Vitamin A food table is the best option. It contains the best available data on Vitamin A from different sources (FAO minilist, USDA, SFK,..) with minimum and maximum levels and adjusted conversion factors. The conversion factor for Provitamin A can be permanently changed under the food database function or temporarily in the food spreadsheet. The total Vitamin A is then automatically adjusted. If values for minimum and maximum content of Vitamin A are available it is also possible with the buttons low and high to calculate the Vitamin A intake for a worst and best scenario. This is especially important for plant foods where the values for foods can vary over a wide range. By pressing the button med the values are brought back to the standard value.